
ITEX respiration meta-analysis

THANK YOU for joining in the warming x soil respiration (including CH4 fluxes) ITEX meta-analysis with your datasets!

Here you can upload your files.

Please make sure the files are according to the INSTRUCTIONS that can be found here. NOTE that by doing so, you agree with our data policy (see below).

The meta-analysis team –

Sybryn Maes, Mats Björkman, Ellen Dorrepaal, Judith Sarneel, and Jan Dietrich.



Data Policy
1. Personal data such as name and email-address is recorded and processed only to the extent to which it is necessary for fulling the purpose of the project.
2. Personal data will not be transferred to third parties unless this is necessary to realize the purpose of the project.
3. Submitted data will be used for ITEX flux meta-analysis purposes. Every participant remains the right to publish her/his data independently.
4. Co-authorships in the publication of the meta-analysis results can be discussed with the ITEX respiration meta-analysis team. Co-authors are required to
• Add a substantial amount of unique flux data points to the database with accompanying metadata (vegetation, microbial, supporting environmental info).
• Have contributed significantly to the collection of the data that is submitted for the ITEX meta-analysis.
• Have read and given input on the Manuscript(s) produced from the data
5. After publication of the meta-analysis results, the datasets will become freely accessible online. Communication and collaborations with the meta-analysis team members on the analysis and use of the dataset is highly encouraged but not compulsory. Researchers are asked to at least inform the ITEX meta-analysis members if a paper is published that is based or partly based on the submitted flux dataset so that this paper can be added to the reference list on the website.
6. Participants give permission to be contacted via email for questions on their submission by the ITEX meta-analysis team. Email addresses will be stored, and not handed over to other parties.
7. Participants may at any time revoke the consent for use/storage of their data by sending an email to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
8. Further information about processing of personal data at Umeå University can be found here.
This agreement was updated 1-10-2020.